The course is intended for students studying in the direction 21.03.01 "Oil and Gas Engineering".

Physics is the study of all aspects of the universe, it is just about understanding how everything works; this is, we can predict what will happen, given a certain set of conditions and initial information about the specific phenomenon of our interest.

In the case of mechanics, Newton's theory is applicable when objects don’t move very fast, but if high speeds are involved, Einstein's more accurate theory of relativity must be used; so new theories in physics don’t invalidate earlier ideas, but they instead extend their range of applicability.

In practice using idealized models of nature is very helpful. In this way, we can avoid the overwhelming complexity that makes many physical systems intractable to mathematical analysis. For example, when we study the behavior of projectiles, it is common to neglect air effects. Although this is not 100% realistic, it is a pretty good approximation in many cases, and it gives us good insight and understanding of what is going on.